Mama's Loves

Mama's Loves

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Crazy day.......

I should have known what kind of day today was going to be when Laynie came in and woke me up at 5:30am just so I could "cover her".  Ugggghhhh!  I was so mad to be aroused out of my precious sleep, but to make matters worse, she wedged her way in between the bed and Gabi's pack and play to wake me, and in the process....of course she woke up Gabi.  So, mama's been awake since 5:30, and then we had Gabi's 4-month checkup! 

Gabi got her ears pierced today and also had to get shots.  It was the saddest thing!  First we waited over an hour in the room for the doctor to come in.....then they did the deed and pierced her poor little earlobes.  Before they came in, I was just kissing and kissing her little ears thinking about what they had coming to them!  She cried like crazy!  Enough for me to feel so bad about even doing it in the first place!  I mean, it is just about vanity....but so nice that she'll never even remember the pain and be able to wear earrings the rest of her life!  LOL.  They look so adorable.  I'm sorry for you, my little Gabster!  Then, I had just gotten her calm from the piercing when in walked the nurse with the shot tray.  Oh just wasn't her day today!  To top it all off, today there are up to 60 mph winds in Vegas, so when we left the building, she just couldn't breathe one bit.  She's been asleep since 10:00 and now it's almost 2:00....she had a rough morning.

Other stuff from the past few days:

- Laynie pulled all the weeds from behind the trampoline because "that's what big girls do" is help mama.  Her reward after doing that was getting a magazine I had bought her the other day that had articles about her man...JB.

-We bought Frankie a nightgown the other day at the store and she LOVES it.  She literally didn't take it off for two whole days!  She is also getting a little hard to put to bed.  Now that she's really having fun, I know it must be hard to have to stop to take a nap.

-Gabi weighed in at a whopping 16.2lbs!  Those cheeks!  Those thunder thighs!!  What's not to love???

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