Today I am in a mood....a BAAAAAD mood! I have had it up to here with potty training Frankie!! Potty training another human being has got to be one of the most challenging things any parent has to contend with. I've heard the rumors about the "golden age" when a child is ready to be potty trained and how "easy" it is when they get there, but I haven't personally experienced that or know anyone who has! Today is a perfect example of how frustrating it can be at times: Frankie woke up, downed two BIG glasses of apple juice (I wanted her to have plenty that way she'd HAVE to go potty) and then didn't go potty for almost THREE hours!!! My poor mom and I followed her around like potty hawks screeching "Do you have to go potty? Sit on the potty! Let's go pee-pee on the potty!" and other such ridiculousness. Anyway, mama had the bright idea that I would take her to her dance class in panties covered by a pull-up to decrease messes, and 1 minute before we left to dance got it - she peed. Lots of pee because she had been holding it all in for three hours. Inevitably we were late for dance class, and I made a total idiot of myself by berating my little 2-year old with taunts of "OK, I guess you're a baby. Come here BABY and let me put on your diaper!" to Frankie. Hello! What does Frankie know or care what I say? In the back of my mind I thought about all the experts who say to not make potty training a bad experience and to always give positive feedback, and yet I just couldn't stop myself. Geez.
I decided to just take a break for now to give us a little sanity....or at least I decided that until the next time she poops and makes a huge mess. Then we'll all be back on the potty training wagon!
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