Mama's Loves

Mama's Loves

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My love/hate relationship with the binky.....

So I've never used a binky for either of my other two beauties, but hey for the third, I wanted to switch it up and make it a new ballgame for myself.  What better way than to introduce something I have absolutely no experience or knowledge with!!  In some ways, I wish I would have had a binky for both of my other helps keep little G calm when mama just can't get to her (why, you say? others just like her!) and helps her get to sleep FAST when she's super tired.  But, now that I have experienced life with both a binky and without, I have made a list of cons as well:

1) At night, I have to put the binky back IN if she isn't in a deep sleep and starts to wake up (Pro:  She goes back to sleep, and doesn't always need to be fed)

2) Doing #1 has caused many a night of a cricked neck and fallen asleep arms as I hang my head on the rail of her pack and play holding the darn binky in place!

3) Naptime on some days is a nightmare.  We have to go in mutiple times to stick the binky back in before she actually settles in and actually sleeps!

Not sure what my game plan is at this point, but I'm thinking of just getting rid of it in the near future.  I'm sort of thinking a thumb sucker would be more my speed!